Bluezoo AD storyboard

We had to create a storyboard from Bluezoo (not really from them) for a phone advert that i believe looks more like a glove advert. We were given a template to do basic sketches and write down the shots, then we had to take it into Photoshop to do the full line art and colour. Due to being at home for a week and Photoshop being expensive i used Krita.

These are my sketches i did so i had an idea of what I wanted the final product to look like. However, when doing so i changed alot of the angles i originally had planned and even added in and cut out some frames.

This is the final storyboard, i added in the arrows to show when i wanted the camera to zoom in and pan over to the next scene. I also wrote down what each shot was. I knew from the beginning I wanted to do a full colour and had the time to do so. I added in some shading so a more realistic look but i never did any highlights.

Overall i am happy with how this turned out, I'm not good with realistic styles so I hated drawing and colouring the faces (that's why they look horrible) but i don't think i could have done better with them with what i had. Next time i would like to add in more detail to the backgrounds and add in highlights to areas.


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