Assignment 3 - The Crate

Our third assignment we were given was to make a crate using textures and other 3D tools we have learnt. 

first i took a screenshot of the UV map and put it into Photoshop, i then found a crate texture that i wanted to use and edited it in to the squares.

i then added a lambert texture to my box and added the textured file above.

Then to make sure that my 3D sides were textured i had to put them into the UV editor aswell.

I am happy with the outcome but i would have like to have done a more complicated box, i can not do this home as i would like to because i dont have Photoshop as its too expensive. also the only thing i would change is that one panel is slanted into the box but i had merged all of the extra shapes together so i could not fix it.


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