GAVI - Hacking and Phishing

Cyber Security

What is Cyber Security?
 The body technologies practices designed to protect networks, computers, programs and data from attack, damage or unauthorised access.

What is Hacking?
Gaining unauthorised access to data in a system or computer


Video-game-related crime is almost as old as the industry itself.However the old pirating activity of games is no longer enough or these hackers, recent developments and trends in the online gaming platform have created new possibilities for cyber criminals to swindle huge amounts of money from an industry that is worth nearly $100 billion.
The recent wave of malware attacks against steam the leading digital entertainment distribution platform, is a perfect example of how game-related crime has changed in recent is said that hacking has increased twenty fold since Steam was first released to the public.

According to official data recently published by Steam, credentials for about 77,000 Steam accounts are stolen every month. With research showing there are more than 1000 types of malware being used. Therefore they have taken steps to improve their security and close any loopholes the hackers might take. The developer also stated they improved how and when it informs users that their account is at risk.However accounts are still being hacked, mostly because users are not using the security.


Another example of a big company getting hacked is Sony in 2014 allegedly by North Korea. Due to Sony's at the time "recent" release of "The Interview" a comedy about the assassination on North Korea's current leader Kim Jong-Un. It was said that a hacker group known as "Guardians of Peace" had hacked and leaked a release of confidential data from Sony. This included personal information about Sony's employees and their families, e-mails, information about salaries and copies of unreleased Sony films. To add to the blow they then released a malware called "Shamoon wiper" to erase Sony's computer infrastructure.
 (not all of it is from the websites)

What is Phishing?
sending emails pretending to be companies in order to gain information from the individual such as passwords or credit card numbers.

Entertainment industry's are phished the same way any other company can be. Netflix was targeted when users received an email asking for a password reset, they then scraped the info to hack the account.


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